Arius Blaze is a very picky man. Writing is preferred to be with great intention and most commonly avant garde or experimental in layout or by design. Burroughs had a fine idea in cutting a pasting and William tell(?)
Tesla told a story of man without proper monetary compensation. But had William tell Burroughs simple truths, perhaps Tesla might have had the common knowledge of Arius in the modern day. That being, I phone, but I do not intend to phone - it simply happens.
This is what I mean;___________
and not a day goes by...
= releases will generally be 50-100 pages on average; novella, short story, essay or poetry will all be considered (experimental works not fitting any of the aforementioned categories may also be considered).
= please do not submit works that excessively exceed 100 pages.
= samples of incomplete works will be considered for future release upon completion.
= writers signed to folktek records will release that specific work through folktek records and none other unless an agreement is made proper. Written works released on folktek records are exclusive to folktek records.
= written releases will be edited (spelling and grammar specifically) prior to being released. All work will be given the nod by the artist prior to the go-ahead.
= Writers will sign a standard contract made to be more monetarily in favor of the writer than is typical (money money)
= written releases will be unbound on fine paper, in a fine box with arts on the cover, and put out in editions of 100-200 copies. Arts for the release to be discussed upon acceptance.
= written works or portions of may be included in future folktek releases with the writers consent.